Lick it: 03.22.15 Aries Celebration at Trinity Park in Fort Worth, TX

Shelter House at Trinity Park in Fort Worth, TX
Shelter House at Trinity Park in Fort Worth, TX

I had a day with my mom yesterday and I told her how excited I was about this upcoming park party season. She knows that I live off the worn path of mainstream society (well 80% of the time) so she asked, “What weird thing you going to do?” CELEBRATE MY FAVORITE SIGN’S BIRTHDAY – DUH! Uhm and Jamie Ray are the most awesome folks I have gotten to know while living in the DFW area and I’m excited there will be an outdoor park party to have a slew of fun at. Trinity Park is also one of my favorite parks in Fort Worth and it’s been 3 years since the Atrium Obscurum crew has host a day of family fun, pot luck style food and – of course – the wonderful music. And it’s free! I totally suggest brining your own picnic set up to prevent leaving a big ass mess as well as making sure you have clean plates, eat wear and a cup to drink from.

Hula Hoops and Poi in motion
Hula Hoops and Poi in motion

I’ve been practicing and reviewing chicken tetrazzini recipes to use. Of course I have a fascination with this after a former colleague brought some to the office for a spread and it wasn’t that some “chuck potluck slop.” Plus, I like knowing that my man would never leave me bc MY chicken tetrazzini is the best. Then again if another woman can take MY man away with her food then I guess he was never mind to begin with. *tear drop*

Come and join us for another blissful day at the Trinity Park Shelter house for music, dancing, yummy food and to celebrate Brian Uhm’s 39th birthday, and Jamie Sunray’s 40th birthday! We are both owning our age. With age comes wisdom 😀

Let's cardboard down this sick hill!
Let’s cardboard down this sick hill!

Location: Trinity Park Shelter House
The shelter house is facing W.7th st. You can park on the side street of the park where Chuys is.

Bring a dish to share 🙂 Tables will be set up in the shelter house. Electricity is available for those who bring a crock pot or etc.

The family that twirls together, stays together.
The family that twirls together, stays together.

Kiddos welcomed, as always. We will have a few games set up for the kids to play. Don’t forget to bring a cardboard box for them to slide down the big grass hill on!


DUBtilDAWN (Atrium Obscurum) DFW

SunRay (Independent) DFW Birthday girl!!

Nivlem ( FYB & PineAliens) ATX

Klapton (Atrium Obscurum) DFW

Herbert Quain (Absolute Shit) ATX

Uhm (Atrium Obscurum) FTW Birthday boy!!!

You can RSVP on the FB event page so you’ll get the reminder. Be sure to “like” Atrium Obscrurum on Facebook because AO LOVES you!

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