Lick it: Sunshine Jones at Elm Street Bar (Deep Ellum, Dallas)
I’ve been waiting for this past Friday night all week long. I’m a long time fan of house producer Sunshine Jones and this event was also in celebrate of one of my favorite dance floor people. Perfect combination.
First time I heard Sunshine Jones perform in person was at Texas Fall Festival and I totally got into his vocals and completely cried with joy on the dance floor. Yes, I’ve been know to allow music to take me to a very high level of happiness and get teary eyed. There is much more to the performance of Sunshine Jones than any other vocalist that I’ve ever seen.
While I’m wrapped around some amazing music, I totally lose it while Sunshine Jones is singing the most beautiful and true phrases I just think, close my eyes and go back into my mind. I am surrounded by all these people who I’ve shared the past decade of my life with. I look over at Jen as she’s twirling around with a HUGE smile on her face and I’m filled with so much joy. I can’t believe how thankful I am to have this life, these experiences and all the hugs I’m getting. Fuck, I felt like it was MY birthday!
I’ve been around a various amount of people throughout the course of my life and seen them go through dynamic conditions as their live unravels around them. I would hug a friend of mine & just hold them and think of all we’ve been through together. I’m so glad to have them there. I know I’ve had situations around me unfold and been completely unable to do anything to protect those I care because humans just have to experience those lessons. I can’t believe all these things were going through my head as I was dancing. This is just the type of experience I was having while Sunshines Jones sings! I wasn’t even drunk although I could have been had I gotten to Elm Street Bar earlier as drink were $2. I double fisted vodka sevens for the whole 15 minutes before 11 PM.
There were intense breakdowns as Sunshine Jones would sing ask the crowd, “Why don’t you do it now?”
I’m like thinking he’s talking to ME. What am I am doing right? I’m getting musically healed. I’m actively meditating while wearing my bad ass shoes w/a 3 inch heel that I didn’t realize aren’t perfect for dancing non-stop for 3 hours. I’m getting preached to right now: Open up your mind. Open up your head. Open up your heart. Open up your mouth. Do it right now.
I just started crying with joy. I love stuff like this. Everyone was hands up wild during this song. It was perfect. I was physically sore Saturday morning. Awesome party. Happy birthday Littlz. If you have the opportunity to hear Sunshine Jones live – you better get your ass there. No fucking excuses. This event was $7! Deal of the year!
This past I started reading Sunshines Jones blog & found this post Gas masks and crazy-girls. I really just soaked in how love can be so different from one person to another person and through out all different relationship types. I just found it so strange how open I can be with complete strangers and yet completely closed off to someone that has known me my entire life. Like say, oh I guess, mi madre. Any I had this on my mind while taking to people I’ve known my entire adult life and thought, “Wow, this person really knows a lot of werid things about me” and at the same time I just met a couple of the balcony. I was talking to them about their upcoming wedding and completely enthralled for them as I’ve considered marriage a couple of random times but the idea of losing my self in loves scares me to death. Then this stranger tells me how excited she is to marry this person and “settle down.” I loved her face as she looked into the future. I live for stuff like that.
Later this weekend as I was looking for MORE music Sunshine Jones has on the Treehouse Muzique label I find this: Fall Down. Seriously beautiful more downtempo song. I’ve recently been focused on psytrance as Embodied Awakening is not too far away so it was AWESOME to get back to the music I started dancing to when I was 17. Just hurt my face this weekend with all the beautiful vibes, spiritually kissed music and the energy that Sunshine Jones put into his set. XO.

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