October 2015 Goals

Last month I was able to keep up with goals, here is what happened in September.

Month of Yoga: that was a much needed activity. I did NOT however keep up with taking photos of myself every day. It would be easier to take these Instagram challenges in batches then post daily. I was also including a walk with my favorite white boxer and most of the time he wasn’t in the mood to wait around while I took a picture.

New Layout: got it – like this one a lot more. I also created a banner that I made in on Canva. This site is making it so much quicker to make pins but I’m still using Lightroom for photos. There are also tutorials on the site on how to use all the features and blog about design – real game changer for me! I able to use it to announce 500 Likes on my fb page. Perfect to use for making pinnable images and adding text to my own images for the gram & facebook.

Miracle Morning: this is everything! I have been able to start my day right by doing all of this. I really need to post to explain how this has created so much gratitude and progress in other parts of my life!

Find a co-working space: Ah yes, one thing that is hard. I have looked at several spaces and right now I think it better to meet clients at their office. I have a moved my day projects to East Dallas and am able to use this space but meeting clients is preferred at their office so I can learn them best.

Learn Pinterest: also, how to not blog for a month. I was sucked into a dark vortex of what pinterest is this past month. I spent time with my blog Facebook groups in linking with other bloggers and am now on multiple shared boards. I will need to create a blog on how to use pinterest the best.

October 2015 Goals

Now to set up this month,

Get a blog planner: Just using my weekly calendar planner I adore but I’m starting to look at planner that are focused on blog planning since I also have to manage events, personal errands, family functions and school work. Also I write down what I eat. Of course there are a million apps but I like to also use color and draw.

Use my iCal for all meetings: Even twitter chats, webinars. Wow this month I went to several free webinars, 2 were for instagram causing my followers to jump (so worth it learning from these). This past month I have used iCal and it’s been working – as long as I have the alert on.

Post blogs multiple times a week: Currently I blog when I have some free time – which is rare. Remember time doesn’t just COME up, you have to MAKE time. A tip I found on a blog was to start a post with the headline then come back to it & even set a time for it to autopost so there is a deadline. I’m worried about my posts looking bad or unfinished – so this one could work. Right now, my aim is 3 blog posts a week.

Mobile theme: Although I like my current layout, I’ve seen some amazing mobile themes, while my mobile version is just the standard WP theme.

Morning fitness: Past couple of weeks I’ve been jogging trying to get to 5k and so far I have been doing a VERY slow jog. My goal for October is to get my run done by 8 AM. Hitting a trail around 10 AM feels like I’m wasting time since I get up, then get ready, run, have to come back and shower – get ready AGAIN. I don’t like the evening trails because it is too dark around 8 PM. Looking forward to greeting the dawn! Perfect weather for morning runs this past week.

What are goals are you working on for October?

You can review my September goals.

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  1. Aileen Barker

    Great goals! I actually have a free blog planner printable available on my blog, if you’re interested. Just thought I’d throw that out there. I’m working on using Google Calendar for everything, including an editorial calendar to make sure I post consistently. It’s working out pretty well. Thanks for sharing your goals!! 🙂

    1. Ally Fiesta

      I was at your website last night & it looks like the link to pick up the blog planner is broken. I can try again. Awesome info on yr site!

  2. Dana Peller (@Pellerini)

    I use Cozi for family/work scheduled things and I also use the Day Designer planner from Target for time blocking. It really helps me not get sucked into social media space. LOL! I am so jealous that you do yoga every day. I am going to hopefully work up to that…right now it is once a week (started last week) because I forgot all of the poses. 😉

    1. Ally Fiesta

      Yes, it is so easy to sucked into social media tunnels! I like to call it research. I have started using a timer on my macbook air called Alinaof Timer so it goes off & reminds me to focus.