Booty Shaking Mixes from Slow Graffiti, AC Slater, schmitzkatzki & 4Peace

Favorite recent mixes from Soundcloud to hula hoop your body too. Watch out for cars while crossing the street!
This mix was perfect for working on slow, juicy movements. Overall just a great mix for going slower and paying attention to what your body is doing.
This is BAD ASS dance mix. I love AC Slater but I usually wouldn’t listen to a whole mix to hoop to but tons of fun garage and house that I haven’t paid much attention to lately. Just fun! Makes me wish garage was played more out.
THIS WEEK’S WILD AS FAWK CARD! Someone reposted this one & laughed out loud when reading the tags for this one. #icantstopwatchingtruckscrashintothislow-assbridge LOL!! No but really can ever stop watching trucks crack into this low ass bridge??? So wacky. Anyways this mix is warehouse techno minimal but has the energy to hoop to. It’s there – it’s a free download just like everything else on my mix list.
I will find myself not wanting to go out to just listen to house music, just that classic, funky, disco house music. “No, I really want to get bassed.” I liked how I completely forgot how badass 4-Peace was – well he is. I used to hear him play like (at one point before I was 21 years old) never ever freaking weekend in Arlington & Fort Worth, TX. Super groovy mix of PROMOS!! YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS!!
Hope you enjoy these mixes. I post local dance events, tracks and dance music cultural notes and news at so “like” this site on Facebook so you don’t miss out. Hope you have an ass shaking week!