Fiesta Sunday Sounds
Stan Smith – Disco Technic (Thompson & Thompson Remix) : Tokyo Dawn Records
If I listen to a track ONE TIME and by the end of that track I have to listen again JUST so I can sing along it’s awesome. Tokyo Dawn Records describes their label as future soul & I’m going to say that everyone in the universe is going to love this one. Really dig the lyrics so I am looking forward to more Stan Smith after reading his bio. I’m such a music lover & anytime I find someone that speaks about how music is their therapy I totally relate. AND I just found out there are 3 more days to vote on WHICH remix of this song you like!! STAN SMITH REMIX CONTEST
Max Cooper Live – Loop Topologies [mix for Dour Festival] – Free Download : Max Cooper
Why should you listen to this? A slew of tracks that haven’t even been released yet. I LOVE new stuff, 2 of the tracks are not even named yet!! Overall it’s a chill mix but then you’ll start doing that foot tap thing & before you know it yr like, “Hum, I wonder if anyone wants to go out dancing.”

Edit: deleted broken links
küchenmaschine testsieger
Keep an eye on this one, as it is one of the best summer surprises in recent years.