Event Review: Atrium Obscurum presents Bhaskara’s Wheel
7th years of Atrium Obscurum events and this one totally stepped up the caliber of events. The main stage completely blew everyone’s expectations as well as combined the theme of this year.
One reality remains: keeping things moving takes work.
This year was different than most as things have dramatically changed since the groups started years ago. I knew that this would more of a rough ride and found it incredible that this was our them. This took serious work and I personally had major emotional and spiritual roller coaster level highs and lows while working to make this happen. It was so amazing to finally arrive and do a quick run before working the gate to see how every single of the team put in their work to make this happen. Thank each and every single one of you a thousand times over. This event reminded me why I even volunteer with this crew year after year even though our lives take us into different directions we all came back to this spot and made pure magic.
The year’s stage was entire UV reactive. That means at night the entire set up looked like it was light up! The best part is the canopy that provided shade during the day also served as a backing to the UV lights so the entire dance floor was UV reactive. THE SHIT DOESN’T GET MORE PSYTRANCE THAN THAT! I kept noticing that I was watching the move phase change in the main piece of the header. It was absolutely memorizing, just like the full moon that kept all the trails completely light the entire weekend. The Bhaskara’s wheels that were on both sides of the stage also had dizzying effects when I would look at them. Check it out!
Set’s were fucking amazing. This year! It has been a while since I have completely danced to the point I the thought, “Is my heart about to explode from all this love I’m feeling or do I need to sit my ass down and regulate my breathing?!!?” Now that it’s been a full day since back I realized: I needed to sit my ass down. I am SORE AND TORE AND DON’T MIND AT ALL! It was like every single set was fueled by the amount energy everyone put into the event. Set after set did NOT disappoint.
I created a sampler of the type of music that was played at the event. For your listening pleasure!
I’m already starting to see that some of the artists have posted their sets from this weekend and as more come through I’ll be able to create a playlist for that. Wonderful – KILLER SETS! I’m going to need a professional massage! I even maintained my own hydration and took the time for stretching but still, I am only human.
Saturday to Sunday morning. THIS WAS SO EXTRA!
Look, I listen to the headliners music at home. I do that all the time. IT’S NOTHING COMPARED TO LISTENING TO IT UNDER A FULL MOON. The entire universe aligned and powerful energy just went right though me. Trying to describe psychedelic trance is going to always be a hard thing as a lot of has to do with where and with you are listening to. Well, if you just stand there and listen you are doing it wrong. I really went full body into Saturday even when Nolm went on. There were a couple of moments when the bass tripped me out so hard that my mind was thinking this was a different song & I couldn’t place it. Any how, Nolm is a part of compilation on Mental Sauce Records called Rainbow Circle. If you attended the event but ran out cash to buy it at the door then here is your chance to pick this up at beatspace.com

The first event I heard psytrance as I thought it had a heavy metal sound. It has been like damn near over 6 years since I heard that rock sound. Moai Project came on totally brought it back. I replaced all the lost fluid from the previous set, ringed out my top and went THERE. The dance floor was crammed back. The fire was being spun in the back and it was just pure chaos. He even posted a sample of what he was going to be play and you can just hear – HE’S A ABSOLUTELY BAD ASS.
I thought that I was good. “Okay, I’m completely worn out. I’m good. Great little party.” I really hadn’t spent too much time thinking that EkimSKRID was going to do what he did. HE’S FROM FUCKING ANOMLISTIC RECORDS – HOME OF THE FUCKING FREAKS! That entire experienced was tripped out and I will never be able to get to that level again.
THEN I THOUGHT I WAS DONE. Juju went with the intense dark crazy & as I laying in my tent I thought, “How could do this to me girl. How. Could. You.” I cleaned myself up & headed back to the dance floor. Why? I WENT BACK TO THE DANCE FLOOR BECAUSE ATRIUM OBSCURUM 3 DAY FESTIVAL ONLY HAPPENS ON A YEAR. Plus I had an extra outfit that was clean.
Loved the over all ambience of the deco involved with the dome. Wonderful workshops as always. Twin Shape’s set was solid and the icing on the chill cake was his dancer, Anwen Rhosyn.
Today I spent time on the event reading some awesome reviews. Thank everyone for coming. You all are so wonderful for coming out and dancing. The most respectful thing anyone can do it dance for their favorite music. Much love to all!