5 Reasons to Watch Old Town at Dallas Theater Center

I was invited to the January 29th performance of Our Town by the Dallas Theater Center at Kalita Humphreys Theater. All the opinions are my own, and you should watch Our Town for the following reasons:
A diverse cast on stage.

I was excited to learn that the Dallas Theater Center had a team of live native Spanish speakers for the weekend of February 4th-6th, in order to have simultaneous translations during the performance which played in headphones picked up at the box office. What a wonderful way to connect the Spanish-speaking community to this classic play, with the powerful message of enjoying daily life. I look forward to more ways the Dallas Theater Center includes the multicultural community that calls Dallas home.
Our Town is a Pulitzer Prize winning drama play that has been performed all around this world. The experience of daily life, falling in love, and dying are universal. I am delighted that the Gibb family is African-American and the Webbs are Latinos. It is beautiful to have these roles played by actors that reflect the diversity that makes up America. You can buy your tickets today online.
World-class performances.

Out Town cast of Dallas Theater at Kalita Humphreys

Actress Liz Mikel is a superstar. I was absolutely thrilled to be able to experience her performance in such an intimate setting before she goes on to Broadway. The stage manager role guided the audience through this entire experience. Her ability to express life’s simple moments helped to frame the final act where the mood was somber.
The extra touch of having actors speak in Spanish brought this play to life in a way that I connected with, as I have a bilingual life. The theater included Spanish to English translations on the screens, so everyone read.
Everyone’s role was relatable by the end of the play. I had to wipe tears away, as I connected with the various roles in the performance from mother, sister, and to the excited wedding attendee. Get your tickets at Dallas Theater Center.
A unique venue that is a part of Dallas history.

Since the building is not obvious from the street several people asked where it was located. This theater is tucked away off Turtle Creek Lane.
The unique theater that architect Frank Lloyd Wright has designed. The stairwell to the bathroom includes notable history photos and articles, bringing this historic theater to life. Show-goers can read while enjoying wine served at the bar before showtime.

Dallas historic Kalita Humphreys
Be reminded about the human experience.
I found the story to be universal, as people from various backgrounds all experience these various life stages and have a routine they overlook until the moment is gone. My core takeaway is how precious these tiny everyday moments are.
After watching this performance, I was just reminded how simple things are, but magic is in the details of the sun coming up and the routines of the day – the routines of life until death.
Ally Bickle
Wonderful evening out value
The value of tickets is perfect for a romantic date night or evening out with friends. Our Town is a wonderful way to connect with loved ones and remind each other to enjoy these daily moments. Use code: ALLY25 to save 25%. Visit https://www.dallastheatercenter.org/ for tickets.