Hoops Ablaze at Mystic Festival Houston, TX
Marawa the Amazing, 32 year old Australian said anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, can keep the hoop spinning but choosing the right size hoop is essential. (huff post) Size matter when it comes to the circle that you are using not only your hips, but your chest, legs and shoulders. I’ve found a top notch hoop maker in Dallas, TX whom is vending at the Mystic Festival this coming weekend. Hoops Ablaze has a great turn around time as I’ve had Izzy create a custom hoop for the Dallas Mardi Gras Parade this past March. Since then I’ve watched her grow as a Hoopnotica instructor and teach children, senior citizens and buff men in gyms. It’s wonderful to have a local hoop maker with such a strong passion and quick turn around time for hoops.

I personally have a lot of love for the support that Izzy has shown the Dallas hoop scene as I met her at SpinFest then have been able to fire hoop with her for my very time. Eventually she hosted Steve Bags (of The Hoop Hub) and Valentina Martin for one of the best workshops I’ve ever been to! A belly dance hoop fusion class then a poi hoops workshop. I look forward to more of her this coming year!