Lick it: #DearMe, Follow these 3 things.

I’ve recently seen #DearMe online, mostly as YouTube videos but I couldn’t read this letter without tearing up. I had no idea how much information I wanted to pass down the younger me without getting emotional. While reading this I just realized that even though I’d like to tell this to myself NOW. Not exactly to the person I was at 13 years old since all of this still applies to me today some days.
Dear 13 year old me,
1. Listen. I know you want to control the conversation, I know you want to ask questions, I know you think you know what is going to be said and know everything but wait. Listen, completely, then ask, then answer, then say something funny. Don’t just hear for the moment when you can jump in. Listen to their words, the way they pause or get excited and watch how their face tells more than their words. Everything people tell you will be the best way for you to know how to proceed with the conversation – or even if you want to continue it.
2. Focus on few things and not try to do everything. Remember you need to sleep, you need to take time to drive carefully, you need to make sure you have everything packed, you need to have a moment to thing about what you are even doing. Do not try to be everywhere, know everyone and all at the same time. Just focus on a few things that are important and don’t join every single club, be at every party and forget that you need to have time to just be with yourself. Focus on what is important so you have time to fully enjoy it and soak it in and be present.
3. Always have gratitude. Don’t cause your own suffering by thinking you are dealt a bad hand. Work with everything you have. Yes, your younger brothers drive you crazy but they always have your back. Yes, your short but you aren’t scared to be on a stage. Yes, you have a hard time learning new things but you always show up to practice. Yes, there are always things that just flat out suck but 13-year old – you have some incredibly amazing people in your life that love, support and encourage you. You have this wonderful skill of getting around any inconveniences that cause temporary set backs. Be grateful. Always.
I know you will forget all of these things being busy. I know you always come back and remember.
Much Love,
The older, wiser and with way better eyebrows Ally Fiesta
Happy International Woman’s Day
I participate in letters. I write myself a letter that I get ONE YEAR in the future. It reminds me what was important to me a year ago and I get to see how far I’ve come since there. I absolutely LOVE these. I’ve already seen what are things I should just let go of as it is clear that subject really is not important me.