Quito: Aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre

This is the first time I have not flown directly into Quito. My favorite part has always been flying down into Quito and seeing all the lights and completely stressing if the plane was going to crash into the side of the city! Since I can remember I always felt like the landing was dangerous after my cousins told me, “YES PLANES CRASH INTO QUITO!” So this year I was glad there was a new airport and it would be a major change from landing in a prison looking airport – even though it would be out of the city. Think how DFW airport is in Irving when you have a party to get to in Dallas minus the insane constant construction.
THIS NEW AIRPORT IS BEAUTIFUL! When we landed in the morning it was so beautiful to be in the mountains. AeroMexico was such a wonderful flight of luxury that I was able to sleep until around 5 AM and saw this

Excitement! I would rather travel at night so I can sleep and wake up to be there, however, my excitement wouldn’t let me. I pulled up a guide for Ecuador and read up on the current political environment and what things there were to. I was so determined to do everything. I have two months here. I have a lot of energy! I. CAN. DO. EVERYTHING!

Beautiful country side and getting to see over Quito made this one the best landing I have ever had.

The airport itself was easier to navigate and there was a bathroom right at International customs so much easier. Now there is a mall area for those who have long lay over. Just cross over the taxies and busses. It has several major brand stores but of course the cost is high in there. The parking garage is on the other side of the mall. Having Wifi at the airport made for a great time to check messages and get new podcast downloads before I left with my friend to the Galapagos Islands.
Found these awesome pictures Instagram. Loved these shots.
Listas para volar. A photo posted by Pablo Fiallos (@psfiallos) on
Off she goes – estoy muy feliz y orgulloso de ti. Vuela alto y cumple todos tus sueños, alcanza cada una de tus metas y nunca te olvides que eres capaz de cosas grandes. Te amo ❤️🐸 A photo posted by Nicolas Echeverria (@nicolasecheverria) on
Of course the best part of landing in any airport is having family to welcome you home.

What is your favorite airport?
GiGi Eats Celebrities
They re-did the airport so I can come in for a LANDING!!
Ally Fiesta
*waves landing cones thingys* Gigi is coming for a landing. Gigi is clear for landing!
GiGi Eats Celebrities
BAH HA HA HA! That totally just made me laugh so hard!
Ally Fiesta
Thank you 🙂