Five way to keep your goals solid
I’ve been working on ways of keeping my goals and at a couple of points felt like I wanted to quit. It is so much easier to say things like I am as good as I am going to ever be. Quit is way easier. However, I have worked around that because I do want to do more. Here are 5 tips that have helped me this past couple of weeks.
Package deal: This means that I am including what I need to do to reach my goal in something I have to do anyways. I know I am going to do something physical first thing in the morning so I decided to include it be physical for only 5 minutes – then if I want to continue I do. So far I usually do because I’m already working out, as long as I have no time restraints then I’m going to continue for another 25 minutes. I have also heard of people who go bed in their work out gear so they is little excuse to why they are not working out.
Track progress: I do this daily when it comes to my water and nutrition. This is part of my daily journaling to see what I have done and to reflect on how I feel with those results. When I don’t reach my goals the reason falls behind being mindless or not planning, that gives me the reminder that I do need to prep and plan. I place a check mark by what I am completing for the day which gives me a visual of my progress.
Adjust goals: At times I make grandiose goals without thinking of how much time, energy I need to put to get results or worst – not realize my goals are just completely not realistic. Instead of just quitting, I have adjusted what I can do. I even see if my issue is the timing or do I need someone to help me. I can always take more time to reach my goal but I don’t want to quit. There are SO MANY instagram challenges and at one point I was thinking of joining FOUR different ones – but instead I am just going to do ONE per month.
Trust the process: Reaching the next level is going to be a challenge. I have wanted to quit many things I have done tin 2015 RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. I am glad that I completed that progress, kicking and screaming so my reward was more powerful because I earned it. Also I have had to let go of things not serving my purpose – that was the hardest. I let go and had the time to learn and find mentors to help me.
One bite at a time. I have heard the quote: You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Of course I am not going to eat an elephant! I do know this means that to get a major goal that I am going to have to break it up. My goal is a certain weight but I have broken that up into this month to focus on tracking what I am eating. Every single step is just a bit of the whole and so I focus on what I can do that day.
I also make sure to listen to daily positive affirmations FIRST thing in the morning which motivates me better than coffee.
What are tips that you do to make sure you reach your goals?
This quote just made my day– I needed to hear that! “A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.” Amen to that sister! Stay focused, you got this. 🙂
Thank you!
I am forever adjusting goals, because life happens, and you gotta learn to roll with the punches! 😛 Great quote too! :] We just gotta keep on truckin’, and not give up!!