Interview: Joe Holmez (Eclectic Souls Project/SoulCom Collective) Little Rock, AR

by chauncy neumann

You started ding in 1998, how did you start djing? What were your early influences?

My first experience with mixing records was when a good friend of mine got a set of turntables when we were in 11th grade. He had a random collection and we had no idea what we were doing but it was so much fun we were both instantly hooked. A few months later I got my first set of turntables, as my 17th birthday present, from my dad. I started going to a record store in Ft. Worth called Neurovox. It’s there that I got my first introduction to house music and learned how to beat match. The guy who owned it was named Kevin. He helped me figure out what was what on a few different levels. I’ve always been grateful to him for that. I wish I could remember his last name. Haha. But he was a really nice guy and an awesome dj as well.

I would have to say my biggest influence as far as djing goes is my best friend (other than my wife) and mentor, Craig Howell aka Craig Lee. I met Craig in ’99 when I’d been playing for about a year. As Forest Gump would say, “We were just like peas and carrots.” He’d already been playing 10 years at that point. So it was pretty awesome having him as my personal house music guru. I still look up to him and go to him for advice to this day. Thanks Craigly!

Now that you have been djing for 15 years, what are your current challenges?

I would say that my greatest personal challenge these days is keeping the spirit of the underground alive in an EDM wasteland. Ha ha. It’s much different from when I began djing and going to electronic music functions. Much more mainstream now. But I’ve also been pleased with how underground music and culture have continued to evolve in the age of DJ Paris Hilton.

Diversion Tapas Restaurant

Since you have your bi-weekly show on “In the Spirit w/ Joe Holmes” (airs every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 6pm-9pm CST) how do you decide what to play and which guests to have?

It’s a pretty organic process. Just kind of happens naturally. I ask a lot of my friends and people that I come across that I think can really play and fit the vibe of the show. I’m always looking for quality guests. And am currently accepting submissions.

As far as deciding what to play. It’s pretty much the same thing. Just whatever I’m feeling at the time of the show. I try to stay current with track selections. But I don’t shy away from playing older stuff either. In my opinion great music is timeless.

joe holmes

Now that you have relocated to Little Rock, Arkansas from Dallas/Fort Worth – what are the changes that you notice when you dj?

Interesting question. Little Rock is a cool little town no doubt. It’s my home now. It was quite a system shock coming from Dallas though. I’ve been fortunate enough to be a big part of bringing underground house and techno here, where it wasn’t before. Along with my crew SoulCom, we’ve been amazed to watch our efforts develop into a nice little family type of scene.


As 2013 come to end, what are some release, events or even projects that you are working you are looking forward for 2014?

Well, let me tell you! Ha ha. I’m excited for 2014. I’ve got a few irons in the fire at the moment. Planning on throwing at least four real-deal holyfield parties here in Little Rock. We brought Brett Johnson, Demarkus and Chuck Love this year. So you know we’ve got some serious hotness lined up for 2014. I’m also in the process of working with John Walker, Josh Kynd and Craig Howell on pursuing our Horsemen project together through production and djing. We were also thinking of doing a quarterly party together in Dallas. So it should be a pretty busy year. Eek!

discovery night club

Is there a show from “In the Spirit w/Joe Holmes” that is your favorite or stands out?
The ONE Year anniversary show this past December is my favorite. It’s a two hour guest mix by my good friend John Walker. One of my biggest influences and one of the best djs I know. John did the guest mix on my very first show as well.

Do you have any shout outs or shameless plugs?

I wanna give shouts out to my beautiful wife Jessica and my spunky little daughter Jillian. And my whole ESP family Craig, Brain, C-Rod, Jenn-uh, Mookie, Kitty B, Ladd B., Scoe!, Mike J, Uchin, Rick and Amy, Carl Cue, Tony Jr., Ricky Simpson, Stephanie/David and clan, to my SoulCom crew Mason, Joel, Brad, Danny, Jacob, Bobby and James. and errbody else knows who they are.

House is a feeling – a spirited feeling!

Joe Holmes posts great music and event info on his Facebook page:

“In the Spirit w/ Joe Holmes” airs every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 6pm-9pm CST on

Mixes can be found on Soundcloud as free downloads:

Horsemen project

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