Kayaking in White Rock Creek

Spent time at White Rock Creek this past week. Saturday there were no kayaks to rent so my best friend and I decided to just reserve a Tandem Kayak for Sunday instead. We headed White Rock Paddle Company made a reservation and were told it included life jackets at well.
Next day we arrived at 10:00 AM, signed a waiver, got our life jackets on and were settled into our tandem kayak by the staff then pushed off the shore. I can not believe I have never been on a tandem kayak before and for a while I kept forgetting how to sit rocked the kayak so much I was worried I would tip it over.

Thought this steam boat was so cute! I found out the creek goes all the way to Plano, so if I was headed that far from White Rock Lake I would need some steam energy to make it back and forth!

This October day the creek was NOT rapid or scary and my friend told me it rarely is. See how calm it is – looks just like a mirror.

I was told that I would NOT be getting wet if we went in a kayak. I was wrong. Every time my paddle went from one side to the other more water would fall on me. I decided to pull up my capris and let my legs get wet.

Look more people in the creek! I liked how we were not alone but the creek was not extremely crowded.

We only spent an hour going up and down the creek. There was a point when I wasn’t even paddling anymore because I wanted to take pictures and then I did a Periscope to share how beautiful it was back there for about 5 minutes. Overall I recommend going out during the day and spending time in nature. I absolutely love that we have this space so near the city.
By the time we were done, I got excited and took this video…
I know I am theatrical but look at that sunshine!
Do you have a favorite outdoor activity you like to do?
That looks really fun! 🙂 I will try to get my husband to go check it out with me one of these days soon. ..
Ally Fiesta
For sure, it is a lot of fun. Not this weekend, as all things outdoors in Dallas are cancelled! 🙁