Snapchat: Geotag Game – California, USA

Geotag from my home: Arlington, TX (the biggest small town)

Snapchat- Geotag Game

Snapchat is my favorite day to day social media platform because I can talk about what I am doing that day & it will completely unscripted and silly. I have done snapchat stories before to play out a situation that happened to be funny. I have followers and follow people from all over the world. It is always fun to send new users a picture that I am in Arlington working or going to class in Fort Worth or dancing the night away in Dallas (which is my current semester life). The snap I used above is from this fall with my brother at Levitt Pavilion in Arlington, a fun day of me showing my followers about a park series the city does. Of course I posted an awesome pictures of that concert on Instagram but snaps are more fun to see into the action.

Last week I decided to play the Geotag Game. It is easier when you have more people play. I sent about 20 people a snap to send me a geotag pic of where there were at. The winner of this round was Spencer making this geotag game the California edition! Yay, he sent me so many that after 24 hours I told him I didn’t need anymore since it would have taken forever to upload.

Congratulations to Spencer for winning this round & sending me over 50 snaps! Follow him on snapchat, speezo44, because he has a positive attitude and has fun days were he takes his followers into beautiful nature trips.

What are Snapchat Geotags

These are overlays that are created by artists then submitted to Snapchat. To use a geotag on your snapchat snap just slide your finger to the left till one shows up, unfortunately if you use a geotag filter you can not use another filter, such a fast forward or slow down.

Make sure to be able to have your location on to use the geotag filter. Notice I also have my settings to turn on Travel Mode so I don’t have snaps loaded automatically.


Check out the geofilter snaps I got!

I play games on snapchat from time to time so to join in for the next round add me on snapchat: AllyFiesta

Which geofilter is your favorite? You can submit your own geotag to snapchat, send me a snap if yours is used by snapchat!

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  1. Nina @ Hugs and Lattes

    I love the geotag filters, but the face filters are so fun too! I like to focus them on other people to turn their faces into something.

    1. Ally

      Yes the snapchat lens are hysterical. I did a snapchat story yesterday and forgot what I was going to say because it was so ridiculous!