5 things to do when other bloggers write about you

I’ve had other bloggers feature me on their blogs and it was wonderful to be able to be a part of collaboration, series or mentioned. That is why the Liebster Award is awesome! The bloggers that I nominated even wrote a bit about me and it is great to connect with other bloggers. This can be an extremely isolating activity. It felt awesome reading their opinions about what I am doing and encouraged me to keep posting and creating.
10 Ecuadorian Bloggers You Should Know It was awesome to be included in this post as I enjoy reading about other Ecuadorian and this group includes those living all over. Several of these bloggers are food bloggers and I love to eat traditional food with a new twist. I also enjoyed reading their blogs since they in Spanish and English. This was done when I did not think that people ever read my bio so it was cool to read it on another website. I follow Diana on snapchat to this day!
FEARLESS FRIDAY | ALLY FROM HYDROSUPRALICKED Absolutely adore the positivity that Tiffany creates who it was great to be her first person for her Fearless Friday series. I enjoyed being able to share my experience waterfall repelling in Baños, Ecaudor. I hope that the post will be able to encourage other’s to participate in in adrenaline sports and listen to drum & bass and Diane Charlemagne.
CAREER SERIES NO. 1- ACCOUNTANT I’m a fan of all the work that Kayla has done and she’s a hard worker. I like this spotlight as I had just decided to switch from being an account to go back to school to work on marketing. I did enjoying accounting yet after 10 years I wanted to do something more creative. I hope this spotlight helped those thinking about becoming an account know what it would involve. Even if I am no longer a full time accountant now, I still use the skills for my personal bookkeeping, I constantly track line by line all my invoices and I even use it for any work I do as a virtual assistant. Accounting is a great skill to have for freelancers, and yes I know creative types hate it.
The Liebster Award: My first blog award EVER! That time that Bobbie nominated me for the Libester Award. This was a lot of fun to know some facts about here. Now she is one of my favorite people on Facebook, so I like how this award allows bloggers to open up about who they are and connect with each other.
However, I’ve have read negative blog post about me before.
LiveJournal came out in 1999. I had several friends who were in the underground dance scene and online forums who had joined up. One guy who was trying to creep on someone he was dating was caught when I sent him an AOL instant message. Then wrote paragraphs about what he thought of me – for her to read. I read it & saved it & made sure to never put myself in that position again. Do not spend time with anyone who blabs about their personal life online. They will write about you, misspellings, dramatically, for others to feel sorry for them. It was interesting for me to read how someone was using a public space to throw me under the bus. Eventually they became a couple & he cheated on her and a friend forwarded me the LiveJournal link where she was writing about about him. What goes around, comes around.
Excellent reason why not to write negatively about anyone since that means will come back to you. I am a major fan of spotlighting awesome things because that is all I want coming back to me and there is not enough time for me to waste on any topic that doesn’t help out others.
5 things you should do when others write about you:
- Decide if you want to share it: if is negative I would not want someone to get free hits from me. If it is awesome then I want everyone to read it. The positive posts from above are old but sometimes I’ll share them in the future because they are evergreen content and not restricted by date.
- Leave a comment: if is negative you could respond. I don’t believe I responded directly to negative posts on myself but I did save it. For positive posts, I always leave a note because hey that’s me they are posting about!
- Share it online: the ultimate currently online. Shout it out! If it negative, I suppose you could share it but seeing as how content relies on hits, I wouldn’t share it. No free hits from me.
- Share it on your blog: I can’t believe I am just now sharing these links on my blog! I should have done this back when they went live so enjoy it now and check out these blogs. They are all well designed, great content, created by highly intelligent women.
- Write about them: of course you can write about them or include them in a series. I would like to do a series like 2 of the above in 2016. I love to share wonderful stories from other blogs, just like I have with all the previous interviews I have hosted before. Nothing gives me more pleasure than sharing the stories of kick ass folks.
I am using this prompt from BlogHer Writing Lab April 2016. Let me know in the comments if you are joining in as well!
Have you ever had anyone blog about you online? What did you do?
Ally HydroSupraLicked.com
Thank you. I haven’t had any negative posts about me in years.