April 2015 Goals

Ah yes, April Fools everyone! I had to stay off social media all day long because the first thing I did was do an April Fool’s joke first thing in the morning and my friend got really mad at me. YAY! I’m really too old to be telling anyone AS A JOKE that I’m pregnant. However, it works every single time. Every. Single. Time.
I have a very clear goals for April.
1. Disconnect by 10 PM
I plan on going to Air Plane mode by 10 PM. Originally I tried doing this by 8 PM in January but could rarely get disconnected from the internet till midnight so now I am at a point where 10 PM is doable but still far cry from 8 PM. Just keep on working down from using my smartphone or tablet till I fall asleep cradling my precious, sweet internet.
2. Post 5-7 times a week.
Already! This will be the hardest thing for me to do since I made the change from being a music related blog to a lifestyle blog. I don’t like to talk much about my personal life but adding this into the mix will make sure there is something juicy to enjoy on a regular basic.
3. Do a couple of April challenges.
Instagram- I do NOT enjoy posting pictures on my Gram unless it is something that means something to me and will be interesting to my followers so I already never post any images for giveaways (WHO WINS THOSE ANYWAYS?!!?) nor I do post screenshot shout outs. However, today I saw the posts for #30PhotosInBetween was started by Helene In Between and it looks like some great photos to be a part of.
Dance- Hooping.org is having a 30/30 Spring Fling I’ve been hooping at least 5 minutes a day as a part of my morning ritual so I’ve been wanting to take this up to 30 minutes a day. Even if I can regularly get this to 15 minutes each day, I win! I’ll end up posting videos via my Instagram account (so follow me & let me know you are so I can follow you back) and tagging these videos #AprilHoopChallenge
Angela Tolsma
Good luck with your goals this week!! and thanks for sharing the challenges… I have been searching for some. Not sure what I am going to do yet. Hopefully by the time I decide it won’t be the end of April!
I’m doing the Helene in between IG Challenge too! Is hooping like Hula Hoops? Basketball? Curious!
Ally Fiesta
Yes, hula hooping. 🙂 I do notice that when I tag my pics #hoops I come up with basketball related pictures. =D
I’m bad at Instagram challenges too, because like you, I like posting if it means something to me. I don’t do shoutout screenshots or giveaway reposts either, butttt definitely looking forward to your hooping videos! <3
Unplugged by 10 p.m. is a great goal! I am incapable of that because I'm a total night owl, but I've been trying to unplug on the weekends!