How to start off on a slack line

Learning how to balance on a slack line has never been something I’ve been interested in before since I worry about falling off anything that is not attached to the ground! However, I had a free Sunday afternoon and was invited to bring my hula hoops out & learn how balance on slack line a couple of weeks ago!
I really just came out to hula hoop at one of my favorite parks and tried this out. I got across completely once and then balanced on a higher and longer slack line. I’m not worried about falling – look I’m not that far off the ground. I was worried about falling at a strange angle. The slack lines are not line walking across a roof, there is lots of swaying involved so I did not want to attempt to walk across. I kept wanting to just run across but that didn’t work.
Here are tips when you start to learn to walk on a slackline from my experience that day:
- One foot at a time. I would stand there with no way of moving forward because I was about to fall. I was told to just keep one foot on the line then move the other one up – see picture below.
- Look straight ahead. As much as I wanted to look where my feet were, looking forward helped my balance. That is how I got straight across.
- Start a bit from the edges. I wanted to stand on the edge of the line, however, the higher lines do not have this same stand and standing there also tears up the stand itself. The good part is that you don’t start off thinking it is going to be easy. Yeah, the entire slack line is going to be unsteady at first.
- Shoes or not shoes? I did WAY better with no shoes. In the picture below I had shoes but eventually took them off. I even like to hula hoop in nature with no shoes – pending it is NOT a dog park! I should probably experiment more with this.
- I am going to say keep trying, I was really exhausted when I got on the higher slackline but my friend was OBSESSED with going back and forth.

I ended up having instruction on how to balance on the longer, higher slack lines from yogi, Woni, and was able to work through that.
Hope there are more of these as the weather is no longer so hot AF.
The video was taken from my snapchat account. I like to string together stories and you can join in on my daily adventures by typing in my user name: AllyFiesta or taking a picture of my snapcode.
About to head into study mode. Join me on snapchat! AllyFiesta or you can take a snap of this funny video.
— Ally Fiesta (@AllyFiesta) October 4, 2015
Have you ever wanted to learn a circus art before? Let me know if you have any awesome tips for slacklining! Want to join in? There will be another Slackline Sunday on October 11, details on Facebook.
Steve Bickle
This looks awesome! I am so down!
Ally Fiesta
Yay! I can’t wait to hang out!
My Desert Love Designs and Blog
Wow – that is such a mental as well as physical exercise!! I am not sure about not looking down either. Oh boy. You’re doing a great job with the video too!
Ally Fiesta
Thank you, I am starting to enjoy using Snapchat to show people about events like this.
Joules Nightmare
Now I want to test slack lining, too. Thank you for the helpful tips!
Ally Fiesta
Hope you get to try this fun soon and thank you for visiting. 😀
-Emily Stoik-
Fun quotes! Great job! 😀
Ally Fiesta
Thank you!
Mary D. Sanchez
slackline is fun
Absolutely! There is a group in Dallas that does it frequently as the weather is perfect for outdoors!