Social media detox Second Month

54 days into my social media detox. I’ve made some adjustments to how I’m limiting my social media intake.
Facebook: I use it as my link for event management. I invite users from my friend list to charity events and to friends events. So having an active account for two weeks just to read the reviews was not necessary but it was great to see those who went post media to the event page and talk about their favorite part.
Not posting any updates on Facebook as I honestly would get so much engagement I couldn’t keep up. I do update my user pic and banner so other users know I’m still active and so my friends can tag me for their events for cross promoting.
Messenger is active since I have a hand in helping various events and group chats are essential in organizing.
Twitter: love this new feeds after I found out a way to block certain words from my feed!
Find this option in:
Settings and privacy
Click content preference which helps out with all sorts of ways to view the trends and here is blocked accounts and Muted is accounts I like but post too often at one time! But I found out words after another user I deleted asked why in my DMs.
There are muted accounts and muted WORDS!!
Yes you can mute just tweets with that word. This is for all those people who can’t stand a very popular topic since it’s such a buzz kill.
Now I’ve picked a word, hide it from any viewing from everyone since the twitter time line includes when users I follow engage in tweets from users I don’t follow. Annoying, right?
Duration: FOREVER!
I’d like to make sure to keep my twitter feed more clean by never posting anything personal but I’ve talked to several users and they missed my personality in my feed.
Instagram. My crown jewel of time suck 💎 I’m here regularly because I love beautiful photos. I enjoy talking to my followers and getting feedback. I have real friendships with other bloggers where we talk back and forth till 3 am!
Keeping connected with people I’ve met during travels comes back to either WhatsApp or Instagram. I don’t post often but I make sure it’s a photo that represents me well. Right now I’m playing with night and day bc I’m both! I will dance all night but still show up to brunch with the family at 11 am. I want to do everything!
As for my feed, I’ve muted accounts and stories since I don’t want to fully delete accounts of my friends just don’t see them especially if they posts multiple times a day (please stop doing this) or their stories are just screenshots.
Easy to do – go to their account and click omg Mute.
Then select what to mute. Easy! Still friends but can check up on them if they engage with my accounts.
Limits: I have the twitter, Instagram and Pinterest apps on my phone again but do not use it during office work hours.
So what has changed? I’m all about e-mail now. I reply to e-mails within an hour. This has made much of my online business far quicker in decision making and has made me decide on what events to participate much quicker. I used to use social media to decide what events to go to based on who was going but now – if I want to go I’m going. If I have other obligations, I’m not. And that’s it. No FOMO. Bye 👋🏼
Upcoming ideas for the next 31 days:
- Scheduled posts by automatic app
- Clearing up ghost 👻 followers on Instagram
- Limit time on social media once off work
Even those I use Screen Time, Downtime, I really just have a lot of messages. However, the quality is so much better! DMs in Twitter and IG during the day tended to be less informational.
Over all, I’m more productive than ever!